Wednesday, July 3, 2013

SOC - Arons Chapter 3


I think I am having a love/not-so-much love relationship with the Arons' book.  I don't know if it was because the Wells article from the day before was so informative, but I found Arons' article to be very dense, but not nearly as enriching. I am not sure why, but I was much more sensitive to his sanctimonius/arrogant tone than I was in earlier selections.

I did appreciate, however, the observation he made about the need for learners to have multiple encounters with difficult concepts over time to help move them from their preconceptions to a "contra-intuitive" correct view.  Teachers cannot expect to "rectify their disabilities" in one remedial session.  This, I can agree with!!

"Teaching Introductory Physics" by Arnold B. Arons, pp 56 - 80.

1 comment:

  1. And its not so much that students just have multiple encounters with difficult concepts but these encounters must be structured so that the students are continually adding to their understanding of the concept - building a stronger foundation. How did Don's 3rd law demos relate to Laura's 3rd law work this morning?
